What We Believe

Core Beliefs

We believe in the one true God whom we know, worship and serve as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus the Christ, who is the Son of God made manifest in a human body. He lived a sinless, perfect life and then died for all mankind on a cross, paying the full price for all of our sins, and was raised from the dead on the third day by God the Father. He ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. He gives the Holy Spirit to those who have received him as Saviour . We believe that salvation is not earned, but is given by grace alone and received by faith. It is a GIFT from God to all who believe.  God's grace  isn’t a free license to carry on sinning; rather it empowers us to imitate Jesus in every part of our hearts and lives. God’s grace enables us to mature as he works in our hearts, and we surrender to him, thus producing the fruit of the Spirit.
We believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of His power and presence. We believe that we are created in Christ for a kingdom purpose which are the good works Father God  planned and designed us to walk in even before time began.

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