We believe it is biblical to honour God in the way we steward our financial resources.
We believe the TITHE (tenth of my income) should be given back to God through the local church. Give your tithe at your church as that is where you are spiritually nourished. Our tithe belongs to God. (Actually everything belongs to him) When we return it in faith we are honouring and acknowledging God as our source of provision, and as the one who gives us even the ability to create wealth.
OFFERINGS are what you purpose to sow over and above your tithe.
Both the TITHE & OFFERINGS should be given in faith and obedience, and not reluctantly or under compulsion.
God loves a willing/cheerful giver!
Scripture is clear that those who labour in the Lord are worthy of their wages, and those who labour in teaching and preaching the word of God, who are worthy of double honour. (this is referring to finances)
Our sacrificial financial giving to the Lord is a fragrant offering to him.